
French as a Foreign Language

The Maison des Langues offers French as a foreign language (FLE) courses exclusively open to members of the university community: UNIGE, IHEID, HES-SO Geneva, HUG. (Only the French Summer Courses are open to the external public).


These courses can be general, theme-based or specialized.


General language courses aim to develop language skills in oral and written comprehension, oral expression and interaction, as well as in grammar and vocabulary, depending on the targeted level: beginner (pre-A1, A1) elementary (A2), intermediate (B1, B2) or advanced (C1, C2).


Complete Beginner Course pre-A1

Beginner Course A1

Elementary Course A2

Intermediate Course I B1

Intermediate Course II B2

Advanced Course C1

Advanced Course C2

Summer French Courses pre-A1, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1

The theme-based language courses allow you to deepen a specific aspect of the language (grammar, conversation, argumentation, synthesis, spelling, textuality, etc.), depending on the targeted level, and relate to specific socio-cultural subjects. They also serve as a support for working on the language (work on oral and written comprehension and production skills, as well as on grammar and vocabulary, using a theme-based or task-based approach). Some courses also prepare to a specific language certification.


Discover Geneva and Switzerland A1

Grammar and Vocabulary Games Pre-A1

Switzerland and the French-speaking world A2

Conversation B1

Speaking B2

Everyday French B2-C1

Grammar B2, with workshop

Grammar C1


Specialized language courses focus on specialized languages at an intermediate/advanced level (B2, C1), such as language for specific purposes (for academic or professional purposes) or language of a particular field (economics , education, science, etc.).


Argumentation B2

French for Academic Purposes B2

French for professional purposes B2-C1

French for Academic Purposes C1

Synthesis and argument C1