French as a Foreign Language

Writing B1

This course aims to improve the quality of your written work in French through a series of activities and exercises on familiar topics in an academic and Swiss environment. The objectives will be to work on producing clear, structured texts; to develop strategies for organising your ideas; to enrich your vocabulary; to reinforce the use of grammatical structures expected at B1 level and, finally, to acquire proofreading and self-correction techniques. Our working methods will be multi-modal (discussions on a forum hosted by Moodle; power point presentations; formal letters; collaborative writing, etc.).

The assessments are based on a continuous monitoring and will be defined by the teachers at the beginning of the semester. By taking the planned assessments and participating in at least 80% of the courses, the student will be able to obtain, in case of success, an attestation from the Maison des langues mentioning the amount of work in credits and the level reached according to the standards of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). In case of failure, only an attestation of attendance will be issued, provided that the 80% attendance rate has been reached.

The workload for a 2h/week semester course  corresponds to 3 ECTS credits.



The Maison des Langues French support classes are strictly reserved to the university community members (UNIGE, IHEID, HES-SO Geneva, HUG): regular students, exchange students, administrative and technical staff, teaching staff, Alumni, participants of Continuing Education.

Registration deadline for the fall semester 2023 : September 18, 2024

Registration deadline for the spring semester 2024 : February 19, 2025

Registration is only possible online. Payment is compulsory at the end of the registration process.

We accept the following payment means: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PostFinance Card, Paysafecard, PayPal, Twint.

An automatic e-mail will be sent to you once your registration has been validated.

If the payment fails, you will have to restart your registration from the beginning.

If the course does not correspond to your needs, it is possible to change course or to cancel your participation.

Cancellation or change deadline for the fall semester 2023 : September 29, 2024

Cancellation or change deadline for the spring semester 2024 : March 2, 2025

Any requests for cancellation or change must be sent to us by e-mail at mdl(at)

In case of reimbursement, an administrative fee of CHF 50.- will be charged for each cancelled course.