
English course B1, B2, C1, C2


Course outline

The course covers a variety of subject matters, focusing on a theme-based approach in order to improve vocabulary and ease. The course aims to hone various skills, such as understanding speech, reading and understanding more complex documents, using discourse analysis and writing structured texts.

You will learn to debate, discuss and explain a variety of subjects, both orally and in written form, focusing on the vocabulary and sentence structures needed to feel more and more comfortable in an academic setting and otherwise.


Learning outcomes B1

  • Reading: students can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language as well as the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.
  • Listening: students can understand the main point of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
  • Spoken interaction: students can deal with most everyday situations and enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
  • Spoken production: students can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans and connect phrases to describe experience and events.
  • Writing: students can write simple connected texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest and write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.


Learning outcomes B2

  • Reading: students can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writer adopts particular attitudes or viewpoints.
  • Listening: students can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided that the topic is reasonably familiar.
  • Spoken interaction: students can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible.
  • Spoken production: students can present clear, detailed description on a wide range of subjects related to their field of interest.
  • Writing: students can write an essay or report passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view.


Learning outcomes C1

  • Reading: students can understand long factual texts and specialized articles even when they do not relate to their field
  • Listening: students can understand extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signalled explicitly.
  • Spoken interaction: students can express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
  • Spoken production: students can present clear, detailed description of complex subjects, developing particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion.
  • Writing: students can express themselves in clear, well- structured texts, expressing points of view at some length and write about complex subjects in a letter, an essay or a report.


Learning outcomes C2

  • Reading: students can read with ease all sorts of texts, however complex or abstract as to form or contents, such as technical handbooks, specialised articles or literary works.
  • Listening: students have no difficulties in understanding oral conversations or speeches, whether live or in the media, even at a fast pace, given time to familiarise themselves with a speaker’s specific accent.
  • Spoken interaction: students may participate effortlessly in conversations and feel comfortable with idiomatic and everyday expressions. They should be able to speak fluently and demonstrate a certain range and accuracy of vocabulary and grammar. When encountering difficulties, the student should be able to rephrase their idea so as to render them almost imperceptible.
  • Spoken production: students have an ability to deliver presentations, including fine descriptions and demonstrating a clear sense of argument. These should be attuned to context, cogent and sufficiently well-structured to render the outline of the main points presented easily accessible to their audience.
  • Writing: students can write clear, cogent prose in a style adapted to the circumstances, be it letters, reports, or complex articles. Students should also be able to summarize and criticise texts in a professional or literary environment.



All material will be supplied during classes and available on Moodle. Various websites, news sources and documents will be used in the class.



Modalité : contrôle continu.

Attestation d'assiduité (sans mention de crédits ECTS) :

  • 80% de présence ainsi qu'une participation active au cours sont requis.

Attestation de réussite* (avec mention de crédits ECTS) :

  •  80% de présence ainsi qu'une participation active au cours sont requis.
  • obtention d'une moyenne globale de 4 points sur 6 au contrôle continu.

*Les cours intensifs n'octroient pas d'attestation de réussite


Crédits ECTS*

L’estimation de la charge de travail pour ce cours correspond à 3 crédits ECTS pour un semestre et à 6 crédits ECTS pour deux semestres. Les cours intensifs n'octroient pas de crédit ECTS.

*La reconnaissance de ces crédits relève du domaine de chaque Faculté (étudiant-es UNIGE) ou de l’Université d’origine (étudiant-es d’échange).




Semestre de printemps 2023 :

  • 20 février - 24 février 2023 : 1 semaine d'accueil et d'orientation :
  • 27 février - 19 mai 2023 : 11 semaines de cours* 

*Pas de cours du 7 au 14 avril, 1er mai et 18 mai. Rattrapage potentiel des cours du 22 au 26 mai.



Niveau B1 : jeudi 18h15-19h45 ou mardi 12h15-13h45

Niveau B2 : jeudi 12h15-13h45 ou mardi 18h15-19h45

Niveau C1 : mercredi 18h15-19h45 ou vendredi 12h15-13h45

Niveau C2 : mardi 18h15-19h45



Inscriptions en ligne pour le semestre de printemps : du 15 juin 2022 au 26 février 2023 en fonction des places disponibles.



  • Tarif UNIGE (étudiant-es réguliers/ères, étudiant-es d'échange) : CHF 260.- pour un semestre ou CHF 480.- pour l'année académique
  • Tarif PAT/PENS (personnel administratif et technique, personnel enseignant)CHF 350.- pour un semestre ou CHF 650.- pour l'année académique
  • Tarif Alumni (membres actifs de l'association Alumni UNIGE) : CHF 390.- pour un semestre ou CHF 720.- pour l'année académique
  • Tarif FCO (apprenant-es Formation Continue) CHF 390.- pour un semestre ou CHF 720.- pour l'année académique




2 semaines intensives du 6 au 17 février 2023



  • Niveau B1 : du lundi au vendredi de 9h00 à 12h00
  • Niveau B2 : du lundi au vendredi de 9h00 à 12h00
  • Niveau C1 : du lundi au vendredi de 14h00 à 17h00



Les inscriptions sont ouvertes du 15 juin 2022 au 31 janvier 2023 en fonction des places disponibles.



  • Tarif UNIGE (étudiant-es réguliers/ères, étudiant-es d'échange) : CHF 400.-
  • Tarif PAT/PENS (personnel administratif et technique, personnel enseignant) : CHF 540.-
  • Tarif Alumni (membres actifs de l'association Alumni UNIGE) : CHF 600.-
  • Tarif FCO (apprenant-es Formation Continue) : CHF 600.-



Les inscriptions aux cours semestriels, annuels et intensifs 2022-2023 sont ouvertes : cliquez ici

L'information sur la semaine d'accueil et d'orientation du 20 au 24 février 2023 : cliquez ici